The same old job

Her phone buzzed as she left the scene 
A name and address on her screen
She frowned; she'd had this job before
"So... what? His ghost came back for more?"

"Just do the job", the answer read
"And hope that this time he'll stay dead?"
"It's just his twin", her boss replied
"Who took his name after he'd died"

They'd used the twin line last time too
She'd shrugged it off; what could you do?
But rules be damned, she had to know
Who was this man that wouldn't go?

She shadowed him throughout the day
A normal guy in every way
No signs that he'd been murdered twice
But she'd been trained in catching lies

As she approached, he looked resigned
He sighed, "I should have just declined"
He closed his eyes, "Just make it quick,
But know it probably won't stick"

She said, "I'm glad you mentioned it
Your trick is good, I must admit
But while my job knows plenty twists
Repeat assignments can't exist"

"I just..." he shifted on his feet
"I should have known that he would cheat"
Confused, she asked him who he meant
"My old imaginary friend"

"Turns out that he was pretty real
A genie with a tempting deal
If only I would set him free
He'd grant me immortality"

"He didn't lie, I cannot die
Which does not mean he doesn't try...
For his amusement, every week
He has me killed, well, so to speak"

"My heart will stop, I cease to breathe
Just long enough to seem deceased
My heart restarts, my wounds will heal
But what remains, is pain quite real"

His tale ridiculous at best
And yet his act left her impressed
He seemed sincere, could it be true?
She needed proof, a sign, a clue

She scanned the room, to no avail
Her target shrugged, "He leaves no trail;
He always wins, so do your job
Believing me won't make him stop"

She shook her head, "Some friend indeed
Who'd pay to watch his buddy bleed...
I have this poison you could take
For painless deaths, to catch a break?"

His eyes lit up, he whispered, "Thanks"
Her last doubts vanished as he drank
When he went down, she heard a whine
"You spoiled my fun! Now he'll be fine!"

"I did the job you paid me for"
She left the fiend to sulk some more
She texted, "Boss, keep me in mind
When jobs on this guy get assigned"

Based on the following writing prompt:

The Assassin’s Code states that you must take any job, no questions asked. But you are pretty sure that you have assassinated this target a few times already.

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