The patron

He just walked in one day
A dazed look on his face
No trace of fear
Asked for a beer
Looking wildly out of place

He had no horns, no tail
No fur, no beak, no scales
I served his drink
He didn't blink
Did he think my claws were nails?

No eyes at my café
Had so far turned his way
But just one whiff
Should tell them if
He was predator or prey

The werewolf caught his scent
The gnome, with axe in hand
Crept to the bar
Ready for war
Knew he had the upper hand

Just then, the man said "thanks"
And paid, his eyes still blank
He wandered out
Ignored the crowd
As we wondered, fluke or prank?

Based on the following writing prompt:

You run a secret, hidden café frequented by mythical beings. One day, a human somehow finds their way to the café. They have not noticed they are the only human, nor have the other patrons noticed them. Yet.

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